
Campaign: BRIO introduces standardized testing in Romania

CONTEXT Almost all countries with which Romania compares itself aspirationally (UK, France, Germany, USA, etc.) have standardized assessment systems, which are sometimes used for high impact (e.g. Baccalaureate) or low impact (e.g. current classroom assessment) decisions. International comparative tests in education, e.g. PISA, TIMSS, PIRLS, ICCS, ICILS, etc., use standardized tests. The major university admission …

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Campaign: SIF Moldova devine EVERGENT Investments

OPPORTUNITY The new strategic context created by the change in legislation and its alignment with European rules, gives SIFs a wider range of action in investment activities, but also the opportunity for a rebranding that SIF Moldova had proposed for some time. Created in a society in transition, redefined from the FPP as one of …

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